Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Welcome to our Blog!

Well, we have decided to join the crowd and create a blog so that we can share pictures and stories about our family with all of you. We are the Crane's....Adrian, Emily, Ethan, Becka, and "baby Crane". Adrian and I fell in love back in high school and were married on November 1st, 2003, which still remains the best day of my life. Our next addition to the family was Becka, an Australian shephard and only the best dog in the whole world. A very close second "best day of my life" would be on August 9th, 2006, the day our Ethan was born. He arrived 9 days late, but ready to take on the world right from the beginning. Over the past year, we have gotten more joy from watching Ethan grow from a newborn precious baby to the babbling, walking, hugging, kissing, sweet not-so-little toddler that he is today. His first birthday, last Thursday, was such a bitter-sweet day for us, because as those of you who have children know, the past year has gone by at warp speep and we can't believe how much Ethan has changed. But, as fast as last year flew by, I know this this year will be full of surprises as well....starting with our first surprise...another baby! We are pregnant with our second child, which should make it's appearance around the 26th of December...yes, a Christmas baby. We have decided to let this baby be a surprise (as we did with Ethan), and we will not know what the sex of the baby is until we see our baby face-to-face. Needless to say, we are very excited to watch our family grow and for Ethan to have a play mate....although Becka keeps him pretty entertained. So, there you have it...our story. We will post pictures and updates monthly about Ethan and baby Crane, since we know most of you are just here to see our sweet babies! Until next time.....

1 comment:

Shanea said...

Yay!! You are blogging. I love it. Now maybe I should start a blog.